Castle Bromwich & District Lions have joined with other Lions Clubs within District 105 to support MedicAlert. Medic Alert provide a life-saving identification system for people with hidden medical conditions and allergies.It was founded in America in 1956 by Dr M. Collins and Mrs Chrissie Collins, after their daughter almost died , following an allergic reaction to the horse serum used in a routine tetanus antitoxin test. From this small beginning, MedicAlert® has grown to a worldwide membership of over four million from around 40 different countries.
MedicAlert was introduced to Great Britain and Ireland by Lions members of MD105 who made MedicAlert a special project in 1964. The MedicAlert Foundation UK became an independent, registered charity in 1966, and the support of Lions Clubs members has continued to be an integral part of the organisation. Through the hard work and sheer determination of those initial Lions, the MedicAlert Foundation began to reach people across the country, helping those with hidden medical conditions and allergies to live their lives with the peace of mind that in an emergency they would receive the right treatment they need.
How does MedicAlert work?
MedicAlert members wear a bracelet or necklet (known as an Emblem) engraved with a personal identification number, main medical condition(s) and an emergency telephone number. In an emergency, medical personnel have immediate access to vital information on the back of the MedicAlert disc. By phoning the emergency number, they can also gain further personal and medical information such as your name and address, doctor's details, current medication and next of kin.
The 24 hour emergency line is operated by the Emergency Bed Service (EBS) from the London Ambulance Headquarters and accepts reverse charge calls from anywhere in the world with translation services available in over 100 languages. MedicAlert employs its own medical team of full-time doctors and nurses who use their professional knowledge to ensure that all medical information is recorded accurately and in an internationally recognised format.
Who Needs MedicAlert?
You need MedicAlert if;
* you have any type of hidden medical condition
* you have an allergy
* you have had any type of implant
* you take regular medication
* you would like your blood group to be recorded
* you have a living will or wish to be an organ donor
* you simply want someone else to know if you have been involved in an emergency
Everybody, irrespective of whether they are 100% fit and healthy, could benefit from MedicAlert Membership. The charity does not simply provide jewellery but a complete life-saving service. In an emergency, it may be just as vital to know who your next of kin is as it is to know your medical details.
Read more about Lions Clubs and MedicAlert click HERE