
I became a Lion in 1989 when Castle Bromwich & District Lions was formed.  I knew little about Lions Clubs International but joined to help others and give something back to the community.  Over the years, we have indeed helped many people of all ages in the local community and further afield, both financially and practically.  Yes, sometimes it is hard work but it is worth it to see the joy on the faces of the people we help and to know that we make a difference in their lives.


What I did not realise when I joined was just how much richer my life would be as a result.  Through the network of Lions Clubs in the UK and in other countries, I have made so many wonderful friends.  In addition to the fund raising and community work which we undertake, we also have socials and enjoy ourselves.  The fun and fellowship we share is fantastic.  We really do work and play together.  I have met lots of interesting people, learned new skills and been able to put to good use my existing skills.  When seeing first hand the difficulties faced by some members of society, it has put my own trivial problems into perspective and made me realise just how lucky I am.  I have had far more back than I have ever put in and am very proud to be a Lion.